Keliauk Dzūkijoje-Guiding tours

Keliauk Dzūkijoje-Guiding tours

Keliauk Dzūkijoje

Travel in Dzūkija region!

Everyone knows that Dzūkija is the most beautiful region of Lithuania with an exceptional abundance of pine forests, rushing rivers, streams and lakes. It is fun to travel here at any time of the year alone or with friends and family.

We can organize an exclusive holiday or weekend in nature for you, taking into account your hobbies and interests. Get in touch and we will organize an unforgettable trip to the pine forest land for you!

The trips are organized by Emilis Tamošiūnas – a nature guide with many years of experience in this region.

The goals of the nature guide are to develop love for nature, to promote greater knowledge of the region through interesting experiences and sensations, and at the same time responsibility for the preservation of natural diversity, to form the principles of nature conservation, to promote environmentally friendly behavior, and to increase environmental awareness.

Excursions led by a nature guide are a comprehensive introduction to the region, revealing the natural, cultural and historical significance of the area. It is the transmission of authentic experiences, conversations, dishes that are not recorded anywhere, but lived, revealing the secrets of the culinary heritage, touching the old crafts, communicating with the local people.

The mission of the nature guide is through the senses to knowledge, through knowledge to the formation of values!

The vision of the nature guide is to preserve values ​​through knowledge.

Please contact us for reservations:


By train from Vilnius

Spring-summer-autumn-winter is a great time for class trips to the undiscovered Dzūkija.

We offer a sightseeing trip in the Dzūkija National Park, arriving from Vilnius by train, then actively hiking from Marcinkonii towards Čepkeliai raist with an experienced naturalist who will tell you about the natural and cultural values of the region.
The route winds through the picturesque surroundings of Marcinkonii. Its length is 13 km.
Visitors will see the Čepkelės raist, dunes covered with pine forests, and get to know the vegetation of the swamp and forest. You will be given the opportunity to take a look at one of the most valuable objects of our region – Čepkeliai raist. Here, the lookout tower overlooks vast expanses of smoky marsh dotted with wooded islands, and a wooden path leads to the observation deck.

Available program for those traveling by train:

Departure from Vilnius (see train schedule).

You arrive in Marcinkonis.
We are traveling along the Zackagiris educational trail, which is 14 km long. The Zackagiris trail leads to a unique place in this region – Meškos šikná.
Lunch by the fire in the forest.

We are traveling to the railway station.
End of tour.

Train from Marcinkoniy.


Travel organization and excursion from 10-20 eur/person.

Meals from 8 EUR/person (menu is arranged separately).

Train tickets separately.

We can combine the excursion program according to your wishes.

We can include a visit to an ethnographic museum, candle-making, culinary heritage tasting, a lesson in a nature school, hiking on bicycles, kayaks, paddleboards. If necessary, an overnight stay at a hotel or nature school in Marcinkonysi is available.

Contact us and we will discuss your expectations:, phone +37068646252.


For travel by bus or car

Spring-summer-autumn-winter is a great time for trips to the undiscovered Dzūkija.

We invite you to get to know the most popular attractions of the Dzūkija National Park – the educational trail in Dzukija national park, the spring Ula eye, the ethnographic village of Zervynos.

Briefly about the trip. You would meet the tour guide at the Marcinkonys visitor center, where you can all view the exposition of the Dzūkija National Park. Later, we will travel to a unique place called Bear ass and the continental dune, we will go to the Lithuanian cold geyser – spring Ulos eye, and we will also visit one of the most beautiful ethnographic villages in Lithuania – Zervynos. On request, you can order a traditional Dzūkian lunch.

Travel time – 4-6 hours.

Travel organization and excursion from 10-20 Eur/person in a group or as agreed.

Meals from 8 EUR/person.
You book the bus yourself.

We can combine the excursion program according to your wishes. We can include a visit to an ethnographic museum, candle making, an exhibition of wooden beekeeping, a culinary heritage tasting, a lesson in a nature school, hiking by bicycles, kayaks, paddle boards. If necessary, an overnight stay at a hotel or nature school in Marcinkonysi is available.

Food tastings take place according to the seasons, we eat what the dzuks grew or found in the forest. Tastings according to the seasons:

Spring – nettle sorrel soup, „grucė” (pearl groats porridge with „smarškam”). For dessert: buckwheat babka with herbal tea. Price for 1 person €12.

Summer – squirrel soup, „chaladnykas” (kefir, fresh cucumbers, onion leaves and dill) with boiled potatoes. Salted drippings with pickled cucumbers. For dessert: buckwheat babka with herbal tea. Price for 1 person €15

Autumn – beetroot soup, potato wedges with pretzels, mushroom sauce of your choice. It can also be with „doing”. For dessert: buckwheat babka with herbal tea. Price for 1 person €17

Buckwheat babka education for young and old (we mix, bake and taste together).

For a group of up to 10 people. price 150 €. For a group of more than 10 people price per person 10 – 15 €.

Contact us and we will discuss your expectations:, phone 868646252.


Nature trails!

We offer an active hike along the Zackagiris trail in Marcinkonyse with an experienced nature guide.

The path winds through the picturesque surroundings of Marcinkonys. Its length is 5-7-13.8 km. As you travel, you will see impressive loops of the Grūda River, the mysterious lake Aklaežeris, the Kloniu sand dune (Gaidzų kopa), a little swamp in the forest called Bear ass, and the beaver huts lined up along the banks of the Dziackagiris stream. And where else are the plants and birds of the Red Book, which are an integral part of this wonderful corner of nature.

The duration of the hike is 2-4-6 hours.

Price: 10-20 eur/person for groups. Discounts apply for children.

On request, you can order a traditional Dzūkian lunch.

Contact us and we will discuss your expectations:, phone 868646252.


Excursion visiting the Drevine beekeeping exposition

The wooden beekeeping exposition is located in the village of Musteika. in 2006 an apiary of ancient stump beehives was established in the village, and bees settled in the trees of the surrounding forests. Now in the apiary you can see how the bees are cared for in the stump hives, how we manage them

I am honey and wax. You can also see how native hives are made, small hives – caterpillars designed to attract bee swarms. At the beginning of summer, new swarms are allowed into the hives. You can try more than one craft in the apiary. Weaving week is held here, and you can also get to know the ancient village of Musteika and its surroundings.

The trail is located in the vicinity of Musteika, 5 kilometers from the village. A walk along this path is a great opportunity to get to know the pine trees that remind you of one of the oldest businesses in this region, to see the mosaic of sand hills and small marshes unique to the corner of Musteika. A trip along this trail will provide valuable knowledge about the history of beekeeping, and will help you appreciate the hard work of beekeepers in this region.

The duration of the excursion is 3 hours.

Price: 10-20 eur/person. Discounts apply for children.

On request, you can order a traditional Dzūkiš lunch.

Contact us and we will discuss your expectations:, phone 868646252.


Bike tours

A bicycle trip along the paths of the Dzūkija National Park is an opportunity to get acquainted with the natural and cultural values of Dzūkija, the lifestyle, traditions and customs of the Dzūkija, Panemuni and Grunt Dzūki people. Ethnographic villages, architectural and natural monuments, forests rich in mushrooms and berries, and fast rivers attract travelers. In Šila near Zervyný – the largest mudflats, bee hives and sand dunes, in Liškiava and Merkinės – majestic mounds, shepherds’ and fishermen’s villages, and towards Subartonyi – loamy hills, string of lakes, the birthplace of the writer Vincas Krėvės, and the legendary Gilšė. One of the coldest and purest streams in Lithuania flows from the source of „Boba’s garden” in Margionyse – Skroblus, Klojimo theater, the mysterious Skerdzimė meadow.

Light traffic, plenty of roads and paths create good conditions for reaching the remotest and most mysterious edges of the Park. There are a number of short-term rest areas, gazebos, stopping places, paths near springs, so that every thirsty traveler can refresh himself with ice and pure water.

For cyclists, we offer 10 marked cycling routes.

We offer tour guide services. We can help you rent a bike.

Prices are negotiable. Contact us and we will discuss your expectations:, phone 868646252.


Guiding tours in Dzukija national park.

